
Damian Czerwinski


Kielce, Poland 📍

Let's go!

About me


I am an ambitious and creative junior front-end developer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional websites. Since I discovered the fascinating world of coding, I have been continuously working on improving my front-end skills.

My experience includes working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as basic knowledge of popular framework such as React. I am determined to create responsive and accessible websites that not only look appealing but also offer an excellent user experience.

I believe in the power of effective communication, teamwork, and dedication to project success. As a junior front-end developer, I am ready to work diligently, learn, and make a valuable impact on any project I'm part of.

  • HTML
  • css
  • js
  • react
  • tailwindcss
  • git
  • sass

What i know:

  • HTML5 CSS3 - I have a strong command of HTML and CSS, enabling me to create websites with an elegant and up-to-date appearance.
  • JavaScript - I possess a solid knowledge of JavaScript, including proficiency in pure JS and working with libraries and framework like React
  • GIT - I know version control tools like Git, making project code management more efficient.
  • SCSS (Sass) - I am skilled in SCSS (Sass), a CSS preprocessor that streamlines and organizes stylesheets, improving code maintainability
  • Tailwind CSS - I have experience with Tailwind CSS, a CSS framework that enables the rapid creation of custom interfaces using pre-defined utility classes,
  • React - I have a foundational knowledge of React, allowing me to create simple components and grasp the fundamentals of state management. I am eager to further develop my skills in this area.

Recent Work



The website is a dynamic and interactive platform built using advanced web technologies. With HTML and CSS, I achieved an aesthetic and responsive design that adapts to various devices. Additionally, I utilized JavaScript to introduce dynamic effects, interactions, and enhance the overall efficiency of the site.



he website is responsive and displays well on various devices, thanks to the use of technologies that support the creation of user interfaces tailored to different screen sizes. The site, built with React, HTML, and Tailwind CSS, is characterized not only by an aesthetic design but also by efficient code


  • person

    Name 🧑

    Damian Czerwiński

  • location_on

    Location 📍

    Kielce, Poland

  • mail

    Mail 📧

  • Linkedin 🚀

    Damian Czerwiński

  • Github 🦉
